307.314.2188, PO Box 2332, Laramie, WY 82073
Please note that there were so many citizen reported scams over the past week that this week’s Hacker’s Brief edition is dedicated to only Wyoming reported scams. Thank you for protecting your friends and neighbors!
Global IT Phone Scam:
A Sheridan citizen reported a phone scam from a company claiming to be Global IT. The scam said that her account or “plastic” would be charged $399.99 unless she called the scammer’s number (504.384.2108). CyberWyoming Note: Global IT is a real company in Los Angeles, but they help businesses in financial, pharmaceutical and telecom industries and were being impersonated.
COVID-19 Best Wishes Lead to Scam:
A Casper citizen reported a scam from “Jeffery D Johnson” with the subject line of “Hope you are safe during this Covid-19 period.” The scam promises a “lucrative deal” that Jeffery would like to discuss.
Insurance Email Scam:
A Sheridan citizen reported an email scam with the citizen’s name in the subject line from “Meghan Bunde” at nieves-nlnt_jtdifhdyuegj@outlook.com. The scam said that the insurance agent tried to call her at her home address to let her know that her insurance had lapsed or that she had the possibility of significant savings. The scammer attempted to look official by providing an insurance agent ID and by discussing the urgency of the open enrollment deadline. CyberWyoming Note: The email supposedly came from a generically named company called Insurance Services in New Mexico, but there is no company by that name at the address provided.
Reported by the Wyoming Nonprofit Network:
Employees with accounts payable responsibilities need to be extra careful when direct deposit change requests are made. This scam has been seen in Wyoming before and is making its rounds again. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/09/new-wire-fraud-scam-targets-your-direct-deposit-info-paycheck.html
Dear Amazon Customer Phone Scam Alert:
If you receive a recorded call saying that an Amazon gift card was charged to your account and they flagged it as fraudulent, do not press 1 or call the phone number listed. Just hang up and check your Amazon orders list online if you are worried. Reported by a Laramie citizen.
Email from a Friend May Not Be Your Actual Friend:
A Laramie citizen received an email from an old friend and it was the friend’s correct email address. It said “How are you doing? Hope you and your family are safe and healthy. I was wondering if I could get a quick favor from you?” This citizen did respond, then his Spidey sense kicked in and he called his friend who confirmed that the email was not sent by her. Her email account had been hacked. The correspondence continued with the scammer and the citizen. The scammer did respond asking for a donation for a close friend of the family who was struck with COVID. CyberWyoming Note: This email address was the correct email and the friend’s email credentials has been stolen. Be sure to change your password, use a longer phrase, and do not reuse passwords. Hackers get one of your passwords and try it on multiple accounts.
Mrs. Charlotte McManaway from New Zealand Scam:
A Wyoming citizen reported a scam email asking you to distribute her late husband’s profits from an oil company as they didn’t have any children and would like you to help her provide donates for churches, orphanages, and widows in the US. The email appears to have a Google form to apply. Be sure not to click on any attachments.
Law Enforcement for Federal Reserve System Phone Scam:
A Laramie citizen reported a phone scam saying that there was fraud on her federal reserve account and a warrant out for her arrest. Individuals do not have accounts with the Federal Reserve. Just hang up, knowing it is a scam.
Home Depot Impersonation Email Scam:
A very fancy animated email advertisement impersonating Home Depot was reported by a Laramie citizen. The email was from “Last reminder” at nASl2.4767247413420737tghhgjhkhd@yelleowkillaw4.site and the subject line was “Home Depot’s Reward Confirmed on (DATE) – Ple@se Confirm!” The email states “Congratulations! Citizen’s Name You have been selected for a reward from Home Depot!” Do not click on any of the links.
FreeScore360 Credit Reporting Scam:
While FreeScore360 is a legitimate company, a Laramie citizen reported a scam that used this company’s name. The email’s subject line was “Notifications : Your_Experian_TransUnion_&_Equifax_Credit-scores have CHANGED!!” and came from return@DF5ONFv8rAL.crazyfm.hu. This email was also sent via priority or high importance email. Do not click on any of the links. They do not go to FreeScore360. CyberWyoming Note: While this is a legitimate company, all security experts recommend checking your credit via the three credit agencies: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax.
1 Unread Voice Message Email Scam:
A Casper citizen reported an email from jack@ecodevo.com spoofed as ACME Wyohealth.org and the subject line of “1 new voice caller on 07 December 2020.” The email had a link to review the voice message, which was flagged as suspicious. The voice message was supposedly from 731.652.9010. If you receive this email, do not click on the link.
Norton Total Protection Email Scam:
A Laramie citizen reported an email from mcrftpeo@tllhzoz.dee with the subject line of “Last reminder: Your membership has expired.” The email states that your Norton antivirus software has expired, you need to renew your membership, and there is a limited time offer to renew with a 50% discount. CyberWyoming Note: While the email graphics are very good, the branding is incorrect and the links do not send you to the real Norton company.
- Please report your scam to phishing@cyberwyoming.org to alert your friends and neighbors.
Other ways to report a scam:
- Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker: bbb.org/scamtracker/us/reportscam
- File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at ftccomplaintassistant.gov
- Report your scam to the FBI at www.ic3.gov/complaint
- Reported unwanted calls to the Federal Trade Commission’s Do Not Call Registration. Online at donotcall.gov/report.html or call 1-888-382-1222, option 3
- Office of the Inspector General: oig.ssa.gov
- AARP Fraud Watch Network (any age welcome) Helpline 877-908-3360
- IRS: report email scams impersonating the IRS to phishing@irs.gov
- Call the Wyoming Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) for assistance with potential Medicare fraud, abuse, or errors at 1 800 856-4398