307.314.2188, PO Box 2332, Laramie, WY 82073

Fax Received Email with Suspicious Attachments:

An email impersonating Microsoft and a Sheridan company was reported by a Sheridan citizen. The email claimed that a fax was received and attached and the attachments are most likely malicious as the company did not have this service installed. The email was poorly written with a lot of jibberish. It was from and the subject line is “Company’s Name – FAX70956.” Do not open the attachment.

Bitcoin Survey Scam Email:

A very slick and professional looking bitcoin research survey was reported by a Laramie citizen. The survey promises $100 if you engage. The email is from and the subject line is “Take a survey today and get rewards UP TO $100!” CyberWyoming Note: Surveys are a common way scammers try to gain your personal information. Don’t take online surveys in email, text or social media.

Car Warranty Phone Scam:

A recorded phone call from the “Vehicle Service Department” with an urgent tone saying they have tried to reach you multiple times about renewing your car warranty was reported by a Laramie citizen. The citizen said that she had received this call many times and it comes from a local number. CyberWyoming Advice: Just hang up, even if they threaten to ‘close your file.’ This same scam was reported last year by a citizen from Lovell.

New Medicare Card Call Scam:

The Powell Senior Center reported multiple complaints from their members about a phone call asking if they had received their new Medicare card. If the client responded with a ‘no’ then the caller asked for the ‘old’ Medicare number to confirm that they had the correct person. The Powell Senior Center urges all seniors to just hang up if they get this call. It is simply a ploy to gain sensitive personal information.

PayPal Call Scam:

A recorded call was reported by a Laramie citizen that impersonated PayPal. The recording claimed that a $500 charge from Google Play was charged to her PayPal account.

Microsoft 365 Admin Center Email Scam:

A Casper citizen reported an email scam to view a document supposedly from Microsoft, but the link actually goes to The email looks official by branding with Office Center, but is from and the subject line is “microsoft 365 admin center” with the miscapitalized Microsoft. The email was sent with a series of ads for Fresh Market which is a real company located in Oklahoma and East.

ATM Mastercard Scam:

A Sheridan citizen reported an email from John Wilson at with the subject line of “Contact my secretary for your ATM MasterCard” asking for help with funds received from China. The secretary’s email is and her name is supposedly Ms. Mary Edward. The email asks for you to send your full name, address, occupation and phone number in a blatant attempt to gain your personal information.

Fake Unemployment Websites:

USA jobs and the FTC want you to know that scams to find jobs are prevalent right now. If you are in the job market, be aware of scams that are ‘too good to be true.’ But also, when looking for your state’s unemployment website, make sure you are on the correct website. Websites that mimic state unemployment sites have been reported. Here’s the article from the FTC. Comcast Invasion Alert:

In 24 hours, Spambuster’s received over 40 emails from multiple email accounts, usually starting with a jumble of letters like The emails were similar in nature and poorly worded. These are probably stolen email addresses being used to bombard potential victims. World Bank Is Not Providing Stimulus and Unemployment Payments:

Scammers are impersonating the World Bank by sending texts and emails inviting recipients to apply for up to $25,000. The link steals your personal and financial information and/or uploads malware to your computer. American Senior Citizen’s Sweepstakes Fraud Alert:

Scammers are calling and emailing trying to trick seniors into thinking they have won a sweepstakes. If you get a call from the American Senior Citizen’s Sweepstakes, it is a fake. Just hang up or delete the email.

Other ways to report a scam:

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